Friday, December 19, 2008

13 Weeks Down, 28 to Go!

Hello again.

This end of the week update is going to be short and sweet. Two reasons, first there is a school wide Christmas party in a few hours and I have to get ready; second I am leaving for Germany tonight and have to pack before the party.

Like I said, this week is a big week. We are having a big lunch with all the teachers and staff at school to celebrate the beginning of our vacation. I'm excited to see it. When the British teachers visit ended there was also a big lunch, which was hilarious and so much fun, I can only imagine what a Christmas celebration will bring. Everyone at school is still wonderful and still very warm. I couldn't have picked a better group of people to work with!

Second thing, Berlin tonight! Meagan and I are flying out around 7:45 and going to Berlin. I can't wait! I looked up the weather report and it is supposed to be highs in the 40's and around freezing at night. Not terrible, for mid-December. Both Meagan and I spent years living with DC winters, so we know a thing or two about cold. I have bought my mittens and will pack my warmest sweaters! Rest assured, there will be pictures posted of Berlin upon my return.

Overall this week has been decent. I think my only problem with it was that I've been ready for a vacation since last week started, so to have to go through the motions for this week was pretty rough. I love the kids and love their enthusiasim for coloring Christmas papers and their need to tell me "Merry Christmas!" basically every chance they get. Too cute! As much as I love them, I will appreciate a long break from school to do my own thing and rest up before going in for round two.

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