Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mid-Month Update

We are now about a month away from my departure to Madrid. To be honest, it still does not feel real. I guess most of that has to do with the virtual nature of the process. I have all kinds of emails that tell me I will be moving to Spain, but I don't have a physical ticket or keys to an apartment or my passport back for that matter. Maybe when my passport comes back in the mail the reality will start to settle in....

I have sent my documents and passport to California, but I am way nervous about this. I am glad I don't have to pay the money to fly down to California. At the same time, I think I would have liked to have the appearance of control that comes with handing over my documents and talking to a real person. Oh well, I guess I just have to get over that.

The new battle in the process of moving to Spain is finding a 3rd person to live with Melanie and me. I've placed ads with a Yahoo group for Auxiliares in Madrid and as a discussion topic on a Facebook group for us. From this 5 people have responded so far, but it seems that everyday more people pop up. Sadly, while there is a ton of interest in the place, I don't know how to pick someone.

How much can you learn about a person from a few paragraphs of email? I would like to meet people and really get to know them, but it would be silly/near impossible. I would love for one of them to come with some kind of chorus of angels singing how they would make the perfect roommate... somehow i doubt that it going to happen. For now Melanie and I are taking in all the information and trying to sift through it.

I think this decision feels much more important than it should because we found this apartment through MariCarmen. Since she is so amazing to us I want to find someone I can trust not to destroy the place. I would just feel awful if Melanie and I chose the wrong person and they damaged something. We don't have to pay a deposit because MC knows us, and I want to make sure everything in the apartment stays well maintained so that it doesn't reflect poorly on her.

It is starting to seem that I end every post with this, but it will all work out and I will move to Spain.

1 comment:

  1. Picking a roommate is a daunting task, indeed. Maybe a choir of angels won't appear but listen to your gut. The important things are reliability with paying bills and respect for common space.

    GOOD LUCK, cousin!
